Today, I would like to tell my story: I started my pilot career in Russia, and completing my studies in the USA while living in Israel.
This is “A Brief History of Time” – my fellow pilots’ and mine. No, I am not basking in Stephen Hawking’s reflected glory. Watch this video that comprises two years of our life “before and after we had our certificates invalidated” to learn about our confusion, our perseverance, and our fight against the incompetent dwellers of offices adorned with model airplanes, blabbering blatant nonsense.
На самом деле, оглядываясь назад и слушая басни в духе «мы помогаем» и «надо подождать», хочется сказать: цените своё время и не позволяйте красть у вас мечту.
Всё будет хорошо, а мы ещё полетаем!
Thank you for reading to the end, my friends!
This project exists with your support! I hope to continue sharing with you all the most interesting from the world of civil aviation.
However, more than one hundred Russian pilots including me were out of work because of the policy of the Russian Federal Air Transport Agency. All our funds, time, and money had been wasted on years of litigation.
I would be so grateful if you support me and my project!